Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

Reflection, Imitation, Experience

Monthly Archives: July 2015

LIFE: Why these four letters always come first

4Whenever I start thinking about writing a blog and I create a MS Word file on my desktop, I open the file and start thinking about the probable topic, I need to write about that can actually create a poof in the digital content world, I just type, “Life is..” then again I start thinking about, LIFE IS WHAT?

My inner soul says, “Tough one, this is probably the toughest ever self-raised question across your school syllabus, college encyclopaedia, google and your other knowledge universe.

I press the back-space button and leave the file blank. Once, you start thinking about life, you cannot think any other. As a teenager, I once realized, love is life. So, I started searching so many lives. I meshed up and finally fixed one life forever. When, I was about to take off to different state, my fixed life dumped me and made me understand, life is adjusted changes with respect to your brand of wine, shirt-size and credit limit, while parents, relatives, friends remain constant.

Life was completely fucked-up, so, I did attempted to change my career into content writing. With Market Research experiences, it may tough for anyone to get into content writing, sometimes. I presented my blog page to the interviewer and she got impressed. Within two weeks, I got my credit card, own bank account and I started hating my job. There is few miles between content writer and content creator. So, when my manager asked me to submit two write-up on a daily basis, with a fixed format and word-limit. I got fucked again. Content may be the king, but not in a third-world country. Definitely not a well-paying job, definitely you are not a copy-writer. I gave myself some more time and left everything.

Probably ‘life’ is the best ever fascination of human desire. We all need a life. We live till we keep breathing, until our heart cells says, “We had enough of it.” We all work, we earn and end of the day we spend all for a better life.